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Monday, June 27, 2011

Republicans and Tax Reform

        As I watched house speaker John Beohner at the Economic Club of New York a few weeks ago he kept talking about tax reform for corporations. When republicans talk about tax reform the working class better run for cover. Remember the last tax reform; when they introduced us to the alternative minimum tax. It was supposed to affect only the wealthy. The only ones who have been affected negatively are the middle class. And maybe they deserve it because they keep right on voting these same people back into office. If someone keeps hitting me over the head, I will seperate myself from them, not continue to stay close to them. All I can say is it hasn't been a pretty sight. Mr. Beohner had just said that he will not even consider raising taxes on the wealthy or corporations, so what does "reform" mean? It's code for giving more tax breaks for these same two groups! He has forgotten his roots. He came from a working class background, so how can he turn his back on the working class so fully? I think I know the answer to that question. In order to collect all those campaign contribution, that is the requirement. He has to do whatever is asked of him with no mercy, compassion, conscience or regrets.
          It was told him by one of the panelists that in order to get where he wanted to go without allowing the Bush tax cuts to expire he would have to cut the budget across the board by 36%. This didn't even phase him. He went on to brag about the $70 billion they had cut so far and how it didn't matter how much they had to cut to balance the budgets. They will not raise any taxes and they will continue to push for more budget cuts. He must not have heard about those republican governors who decried federal money so loudly but are now begging for that same money to help their weather ravaged states economies at this very moment. One of those same governors; Rick Perry of Texas, who is currently running for president of the U. S., had even threatened to secede from the rest of the country. I wonder if he has turned down any federal money recently?Teachers and policemen are being laid off, emergencies are popping up everywhere, we're fighting wars on the other side of the world and not only does he not see the need to raise taxes but he wants to cut taxes even more. And on top of that he won't allow a jobs bill to come to the floor of the house. When they were in the minority he kept jumping up and down screaming at the top of his lungs for an up or down vote and now that he is in charge that very same charge can be lodged at him. How hypocritical! Does anybody see anything wrong with this picture?
         Mr. Beohner has said that he will negotiate, but he has also said that he will not budge from his position. Then how can there be a negotiation? That can only mean that those with the majority will have to do whatever the minority dictates or nothing will get done. Some negotiation, huh?

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