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Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Politicians Who Decieve

       As I sat watching Washington Journal on C-span this morning the subject was politicians cheating on their wives and lying about it. Arnold Schwarzenneggar is the latest casualty. He and his wife have recently split because of his infidelity. And there have been many others in both parties who have done the same.Also Newt Gingrich has recently come back into the national spotlight. I have to believe that he thinks everyone has forgotten just exactly what he tried to do to a sitting president of the U. S. He may not know it but he has put himself right into the middle of the shooting gallery. Many of the things that I have done in the past come to mind also. As Mr. Gingrich claims, I have asked my God to forgive me and have turned away from those things and moved on. There is one difference however, between Mr. Gingrich's repentance and mine. People constantly tell me that they see a change in my life. I see no evidence of such in Mr. Gingrich's attitude. He still personally attacks anyone who disagrees with him, he still seems to consider himself the smartest man in the world (pride), and he still does not accept responsibility for what went wrong in his previous marriages, among other things.
         But I would just like to make an observation about what was going during the Clinton impeachment hearings. At that time Mr. Gingrich was one who led the charge. Also one of the U. S. senators from my own state of Louisiana led with him. That senator, like Mr. Gingrich was exposed for a fraud also.And I am sure that another one of our U. S. senators from Louisiana, who is also at this moment on the hot seat, would have been throwing bombs if he had been senator at the time. It brings to mind an old saying "when you dig a grave for someone else dig one for yourself", or when you point the finger at someone else, that means there are four pointing back at you". I guess these men hadn't heard these proverbs.
           As Mr. Clinton was persecuted because he was hated by the republicans, but on the other hand prosecuted because of his sexual indesretions. After many years and spending $70 million tax dollars of investigating the Clintons, the whole affair came down to "lying to congress".There were many republicans who went on the talk show circuit claiming that they have never lied about anything and that they especially have never lied to their children. I recognized those words as lies as soon as I heard them, but many accepted them as the truth. It makes sense if you don't think about it. I can tell you that as a supposedly mature Christian, I occasionally feel the need to omit a truth or even tell a lie ,even at times on important matters. I try not to, but it has happened. If anybody tells you they have never lied, they told a lie when they said that.
           Here's the point I wanted to make. At the time those persons persecuting the president and those who supported them, were also shouting to the tops of their voices about "family values". And now the persecutors have been exposed and those who support them want to excuse their behavior when they showed no mercy at all to Mr. Clinton.. Not only that, but have encouraged these same men to stay in public office and have even encouraged them to run for public office again. You are all hypocrites, because those men were attempting to make themselves appear righteous by exposing somebody else's shortcomings instead of fighting on a political level. They chose to personally and publicly attack a man and destroy his life and assassinate whatever character he might have had. You have made ethics and family values into a joke. But it doesn't have to stay that way. Let's try the best we can to elect people who really reflect our beliefs and not just the party line. Sometimes the party's interests are not in the best interest of our state or our country. Louisiana and America, have a change of heart. Open your eyes and see. Get on the path of mercy and righteousness.

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