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Thursday, October 6, 2011

Evil, Wicked Influence In Government

James Francis @Blogdog.com
Here's a word for those who claim to be Christians. Proverbs 9:16 when the wicked are multiplied, transgression increases. The meaning of this saying is that the wicked do more than increase in numbers. They also thrive and become great. They gain influence and come to hold positions of political power. From these positions they are able to influence popular opinion and lawlessness increases rampantly. When society's leaders set bad examples for the populace their deviant bahavior is increasingly seen as normal. Their examples hardens the collective conscience and encourages deviant behavior in others. Nowhere is this more clear than in the politics of Louisiana and on the national political scene.
     Let's look the situation here in Louisiana. A few years ago there was a republican legislator from Moss Bluff, Mr. Vic Stelly by name. Mr. Stelly was courageous enough to put forth a tax plan that distrubuted the taxes fairly among the state's population so that the working folk would not be taxed unequitably. The tax plan was voted on by the citizens and passed. Mr. Stelly already knew that because of his stance he could not be re-elected, so he retired. Recently we have elected a governor who has decided to go against the wishes of the majority of the citizens of this state and had the legislature vote to repeal what their constituents had passed into law. The governor may be a handsome and smart guy but he is transgressing against the will of the people. And a legislature that once the liberal envy of the country is now afraid to be progressive, much less liberal. They will not speak on behalf of the working people, but they would jump into a fire for the rich and powerful. Even the democrats now call themselves "conservative", which is another way of saying "republican". When this administration came to power there was a surplus in the state's government. But now the state is back in a hole again. The solution; cut needed services to citizens as is every republican's idea of good government. I wonder if any of them call themselves "Christian"?
     And on the national scene there crowds of tens of thousands, if not hundreds of thoiusands, marching in every major city across the nation against the greed of banks and corporatiuons. The movement is known as "Occupy Wall Street".Yet the news media has pretended not to see them until the crowds have become so overwhelming that they can no longer be ignored. Instead of asking "why are they marching", the question is "where is the money coming from?" There is no money! These are just people who are fed up with the rich getting richer and the poor getting poorer. And they are taking the only course of action available to them!
    When the "tea party" held rallies with two or three thousand people, you would have thought they were an actual movement because of the way the news media cheered them on, day and night. "Occupy Wall Street" is no less than ten times the size of the so-called tea party movement.But the "Occupy" crowd stands for the working people and the tea party stands for, just like the republicans, the rich and greedy. Poll after poll says that more than 75% of the population thinks the Wall Street crowd needs to pay more taxes, but the republicans and the tea party refuse to hear them. And there is no hope at all for the destitute; no mercy, no compassion. And now it's becoming normal for politicians to ignore their constituents in favor of campaign contributions, which many consider to be little more than disguised legal bribes. So yes, the wicked are really increasing in transgressions in America. Lord, have mercy on America!

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