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Monday, July 23, 2012

$32 Trillion ( Not Billion) Held Back From The American Economy

      I wonder how many Americans know that many of the international banks that the taxpayer of this country have bailed out all over the world have taken as much as $32 trillion of that money and offshored it if bank accounts in Switzerland, the Cayman Islands etc. Not only the banks, but many of the superwealthy, including republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney, who claim to be patriots and call those of us who disagree with their warmongering policies unpatriotic are guilty of the same thing. They claim that government programs such as Social Security, Medicaid and Medicare are bankrupting the country. These are the same people who continue to try and get more and more money for the Pentagon, who are already spending over $800 million dollars each year, with the CIA and all assiciated budget costs figured in And at the same time are trying to bankrupt the US Postal Service by requiring them to fund their retirement plans for 75 years into the future.
     They fought tooth and nail to keep congress from helping the American auto industry from going bankrupt, but bailed out these banks that were considered too big to fail. The American auto industry has come roaring back and has saved many millions of American jobs, but these banks have only gotten bigger and bigger anbd have helped businesses ship American jobs overseas. And since these banks are brokerage firms on Wall Street, they are the same corporations who speculate in the oil markets and up the price of oil so that they continue to gouge us for the price of a gallon of gasoline. They are the same banks who make money on the perpetual wars that we find ourselves in.
      They contribute unlimited amounts of money to congress and congress has become their lap dogs. And even the Supreme Court of the United States of America has ruled in their favor on every ruling that has come before them, bar none. Conservatives had believed they put in place a court that would rule confederately (as in rolling back civil rights), but instead it has ruled corporatively and has rolled back the rights of not only minorities, but the civil rights of all Americans. There is a moral to this story,"when you dig a hole for someone else, be careful to not get caught in it youeself ". The question now becomes is it  the Supreme Court of the United States or is it the Corporate Court of America. It kind seems as if it's divorcing itself from the citizens of this country in favor of corporations. We need to regain conntrol of the corporations, the wealthy and the court. "We, the people" are the majority!

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