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Thursday, May 23, 2013

America, Get Your head Out of Your Ass!

Americans Burying

  Our Heads in the Sand

As America continues to go down the path to becoming a third world country, most of us aren’t paying attention. We seem to be oblivious to what is going on in our government. A certain political party comes up with diversion after diversion to mask what is truly going on in this country. Look at all of the charges continually being manufactured by the house of representatives, while not accomplishing anything since the present administration has been in office. They have only three objectives; to protect corporations from taxes ,fund wars and to prevent this president from doing anything to help the rest of us.

Sounds like I don’t know what the hell I’m talking about, huh? Well, lets look at some of the evidence! Do you realize that those megabanks that almost caused the world economy to collapse are still being allowed to carry on in the same manner they did before we were forced to bail them out. Did you know that they’re borrowing our tax dollars from the federal government for less than 1% interest. Now here’s the kicker; the same federal government is charging our children 6-9% interest on college loans that we pay in taxes. The federal government made $51 billion dollars in profit on college students loans. And while these students are struggling to repay that debt, those megabanks, corporations and the super wealthy receive tax breaks so that they are literally not paying any taxes at all and are being allowed to hide their profits in tax shelters all around the world. And the government refuses to do anything about it.

More evidence; Trans Canada, a foreign corporation, owner of Keystone XL pipeline is being allowed by our government to claim eminent domain to confiscate private property in this country that enable them to complete a 1500 mile long pipeline form Canada to Texas so they can sell oil, not to Americans, but on the world market. One of the main problems is that this type of petroleum product is highly toxic. And another serious concern is that the pipeline, if it ruptures will affect drinking water aquifers in as many as five states. If that happens that water may never be safe to drink again, EVER! TransCanada claims that there is no chance of an oil spill. The problem is that there have already been multiple spills and it is proving almost impossible to reverse the damage once it has been done. There was a spill of this type of product in Arkansas over a month ago and they still haven’t figured how to clean it up YET! As a matter of fact no news organizations are allowed are allowed near the area to report on it.

Did you know that while governments around the world are trying to ban genetically modified crops, our congress has voted to allow one manufacturer of such crops (Monsanto) to overrule our government on what they can and can’t sell and also taxpayer money is used to promote Monsanto products in other countries. Monsanto is that company that gave us agent orange during the Viet Nam war era, pcb’s (polychlorinated biphenyls) and dioxin in the 1960s and 1970s. These are highly carcinogen chemicals. If you’d like to know more about Monsanto you can read an article online at Truthout at this present time.

President Obama appointed Monsanto lobbyist to be deputy commissioner of foods (food czar).This is only one of many instances that Mr. Obama has appointed the fox to guard the henhouse. He has appointed Wall Street insider after insider to oversee the economy, including Larry Summers, Tim Geithner, Jaime Dimon and Jack Lew the new secretary of the treasury. And he has steadfastly refused to order the Justice Department to prosecute those who caused the economic collapse.

And one last example, but not THE last example of our government for us is the fact that those in government is not “for and by the people” is the fact that in spite of soldiers fighting, killing, being maimed and killed for love of country they are being cast away after returning home (they‘re fighting for corporations without knowing it). The Obama administration and congress are paying lip service saying they “support the veterans“, but their actions have told quite a different story. Many of our veterans are homeless and lack both medical and mental health treatment of any kind, which has been that way since the Viet Nam war. Mr. Obama appointed an different head to veterans Affairs department and now for the past year and a half the number of claims processed has gone down instead of up(Center for investigative Reporting). These are only a few that things that are taking place in our country that many are unaware of because we don’t want to see. But if we don’t get our heads out of the ground and the sand out of our eyes, soon it will be too late.\

James Francis,



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