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Monday, February 25, 2019

The Insurance Corporation Effect

Premiums are up, profits are booming, products are inferior! If you look at the CHARTS in the article you will see that in 2017, INSURANCE COMPANY PROFITS are where A GREAT DEAL of our INSURANCE PREMIUMS go!


As a retiree of nearly four years, I can say without a doubt that the healthcare system in the United States is really broken down! When I retired at age 62, I had insurance provided by my job for the rest of my life. We paid a copay of $15 dollars to see our personal doctor and a$30 copay to see a specialist. There was also $10 copay for brand name drugs and a $5 copay for generic drugs. That was it. At age 65, it was supposed to become wrap around insurance, so that it paid everything that Medicare did not pay. I now had Medicare AND CIGNA insurance, two insurances! Sounds great, huh? I know. Except that once I reached age 65, it became perfectly clear that the insurance had become MUCH MORE INFERIOR than the insurance I had while I was still working! The TWO INSURANCES TOGETHER ARE MUCH MORE INFERIOR THAN THE ONE INSURANCE I had while I was working! I now have a $250+ deductible to meet every year, PLUS 20% percent of what Medicare does not pay for, which some times turns out to be hundreds dollars, PLUS the charges I just mentioned. If you're steadily losing money and coming out of your pocket, what's the point in having insurance at all?! And not only that, now each month they're taking  $135 a month in Medicaid payments out of my Social Security benefits check. I've already paid into Medicare for my entire working career on the front end, and now they want to do a back end load too. This year alone, including the money they take out of my SS check, my wife and I have paid well over $1000 dollars out of pocket! If we had a MEDICARE FOR ALL type healthcare system and just ELIMINATE THE $BILLIONS OF DOLLARS OF INSURANCE COMPANY PROFITS, all of that money could GO TOWARDS DELIVERING REAL HEALTH CARE, INSTEAD OF PROFITS FOR INSURANCE COMPANY AND MULTIMILLION DOLLAR SALARIES FOR THEIR EXECUTIVES!


That $1500 dollars we spent on deductibles and copays would probably cover a great deal of what everyone in the entire country has to pay for ALL healthcare, for the entire year.  GIVE ALL OF THAT MONEY TO THE HEALTH PROVIDER and allow them to PROVIDE HEALTH!
Just yesterday, Senator Diane Feinstein condescendingly told a group of teenagers that she's been in the senate for thirty years. Her words, "I know what I am doing". If she does know what she's doing, she has done the American people shamefully, a great disservice! She and her other campaign contribution laden cronies have sold the American public out to the insurance corporations, among others. The same could be said for their dealings with Big Pharma, the military industrial complex and the oil corporations. They've eaten at the hog trough of gluttony and have had their fill. The problem is they still haven't had, nor can they get, enough! Until "we the people" get enough common sense to see that they're taking all of the money from us and giving it all away to the obscenely rich and corporations, this country will continue it's downward spiral into becoming just another third world country. #FightBackAmerica!      #WHENWEFIGHTBACKWEWIN!

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