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Tuesday, December 27, 2011

The president's Poll Ratings

The president's poll numbers are beginning to rise again and I am quite sure that you hnow the reason. It's because he finally decided to fight for us with everything in him. We voted for him as president because we believed he would do just that. During the majority of fights with congressional repubs in the past he has let many of us down immensely. I realize that he can't win all of the fights and even that he has to choose the right battles to undertake, but he just seemed to cave on battle after battle.
Mr President let me remind you of an old saying; "it's not whether you win or not but it's whether you put up your best fight". We never expected you to win them all, but we did expect you to fight to the very end. On the occasion of the health care debate, you easily stopped fighting for universal healthcare. Then in the debate over the public option just when you seemed to have victory in hand, you deflated the whole democratic party when you decided to give up the fight. They were predicting they would have the votes they needed by the next day. It made me so furious! I feel that is the main reason the repubs took control of the house. We have all been demoralized since then. The Tea Party won all those seats because we felt things were hopeless. You then began to cave on issue after issue with barely any fight. They didn't have any mandate! The one we had put our hopes and dreams had sold us out.
They also won the majority because we were stunned by what the dems were doing in congress. They had a super majority but couldn't get anything done. They, along with you, failed us miserably! But now with just one worthwhile fight on your part we stand ready to forgive your past transgressions if you just promise no repeat performances. If you let us down again the way you did in the past, it would probably irreparably damage the democratic party.
So, Mr. President I'm looking forward to fighting many good fights alongside you. I and the the great majority, stand ready to advocate for everything you undertake. But Mr. president if you are only trying to get re-elected,and then just filibuster away the next four years, I can assure you that your legacy nor reputation, won't be AT ALL GOOD. As one of your once most ardent supporters, I am not at all convinced that is not your intentions. I am really skeptical!

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