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Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Republican Voter Supression

      In recent days I have seen a commercial on TV with a black man speaking about the right to unabridged speech. The commercial turned out to be about the danger of a stroke. As a black man msyself, I can appreciate this warning since strokes seem to strike us at a more alarming rate than any other demographic in the country. But there is another problem facing not only black men but many other demograhic groups regarding our right to unimpaired speech; voter suppression! Somehow republicans wnat to take away the rights of as many of these groups as possible because they tend not to see things the way repubs do. And in republican controlled states they are succeeding somewhat. Judges and circuit courts that have been majority republican appointed have ruled in favor of taking away the rights of citizens to vote. Even the SCOTUS may become involved and make political rulings in such cases, as they probably will also in the case of the individual insurance mandate. In both cases the court will rule against the interests of the country and it's citizens, putting our democracy in jeopardy.  By voting to mandate insurance and deny people a chance to cast their votes, the court will most certainly be acting on behalf of the corporations who are trying to gain control of this country. In large measure they seem to be succeeding, but there is a power that is even above all of their scheming. They trhink they are on the verge of victory, but I think not. The King of Heaven is still on His throne and HE is not going to allow it, for the sake of His people. So scheme away republicans. All your scheming will come to nothing.

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