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Sunday, July 1, 2012

What Was Justice Roberts Real Concerns In His Vote

Has Justice Really Had a Change of Heart?   
      News pundits keep speculating about Chief justice Roberts defection from the rest of the conservatives vote on the affordable Care Act, but they keep leaving out part of the argument. They say that this is because he is concerned about the reputation for partisanship and integrity of the court. Up to a point I agree, but as of yet I haven't heard anyone mention anything about the corporate aspect of the law, that is the possible giveaway to the insurance corporations.  
     Another reason for the split is to try and ease a guilty conscience. Also I think that the ACA is only a diversion to take our minds off the fact that only a few weeks before, he voted with the conservatives to continue to allow unlimited corporate money into the political landscape of this country when there is overwhelming evidence of the damage it is doing to the country. This is the second chance the court had to vote on this issue to get it right. Yet, he still sided with the conservatives. If he was really concerned with the integrity of the court, he would have voted to let democracy work the way it should without the corrupting influence of corporate cash. In my humble opinion he was just trying to cover his behind because he absolutely knew the vote he cast on the side of corporations was wrong. He can run from a guilty conscience but he can't hide from it.
    The last reason for his vote is because, and I have said it time and time again,  the court was installed by conservatives to be not a corporate court, rather than a conservative court. So in the case of health care, justice Roberts had good cover with all of the good things contained in the law. They outweighed the damage of the individual mandate and add to the fact that this vote would take some of the heat off for the vote cast in the Montana ruling. The court keeps saying that it is for states rights, as in the Arizona immigration ruling, but conservative majority has voted to take away states rights in the Montana and the 2000 Bush vs Gore rulings. The court has no set standards except for all the conservatives, which includes the supposed swing vote of justice Breyer, vote the same way. My guess would be that Mr. Roberts voted for the whole law so that he could give the insurance corporations what they want without too much outcry from the public.
     No I don't think that justice Roberts' motives are as pure as some seem to think, but time will tell. I'll be convinced when the Citizens United decision is overturned.

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