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Wednesday, July 31, 2013

President Obama Keeps SAYING one Thing and Then DOING The Opposite

     President Obama continues to say one thing and then contradict himself with his actions. He acknowledges the possible environmental and ecological problems of Keystone XL Pipeline, the claim of thousands of jobs to be untrue and the fact that the pipeline will cause gasoline prices to rise, but still seems to be willing to give it the OK to continue despite evidence of spills in many places and of it's high toxicity and of harmful effects on the environments where the spills occur.
     Also while claiming to want to be in favor of policies to help the middle Class, the president seems intent on nominating Wall Street banker Larry Summers to succeed Ben Bernanke as Chairman of the Federal Reserve Board. Mr. Summers is suspected more than anyone else of causing the collapse of the entire US economy. When it seems there needs to be some fresh thinking why put someone in the FED who has already failed spectacularly? There are other names to be considered. And I don't mean some other Wall Street insider. I have the name Janet Yellen mentioned but I can't say that I know that much about her. She seems to be mentioned in the same mold as newly elected senator Elizabeth Warren, whom I hold in high regard. What we definitely don't need is another Wall St. banker ruining the economy again. We need banking reform, Namely bringing back the Glass-Stegall act to prevent these gigantic banks from losing our savings on risky investments and then having to be bailed by our taxes.
     During his first presidential campaign, eh spoke about getting us out of wars, but instead he has continued to escalate the provocation of many nations, especially in the middle east and South America. It's as if he is allowing the Pentagon to dictate foreign policy. At a time when the eonomy is in shambles, corporations are offshoring their profits, we need to stop giving our national resources to adventures of war all across the world.
     There are many things going in the country that the president haw no control over, but on these three issues, and there are more, he does, and "we the people" who voted for him want to see him Do something instead of saying he will do one thing and then do another. He had an excellent chance to make some much needed recess appointment to some key positions and he didn't. Those appointments could have helped the middle class, the jobs situation and economy immediately, but instead it was an opportunity lost.
    And if Mr. Obama behaves this way with us when we had so much confidence that he would defend the middle class, the question is what will an insider like Mrs. Clinton do? In the past, Mrs. Clinton has been one of my heroes, But once she became Secretary of State, she became a war mongerer much like the republican Secretary of State and Defense Secretaries. Will she do like President Obama and follow the dictates of Wall St. and the Defense Department or can she be independent again? I believe it will be the former rather than the latter.


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