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Monday, October 21, 2019

Researchers Detail How Slashing Pentagon Budget Could Pay for Medicare for All While Creating Progressive Foreign Policy Americans Want

1 comment:

  1. The voting public is against all of these never ending wars, Democratic politicians used to be also. But since the Citizens United ruling by the US Supreme Court that corporations are people and another ruling that money is speech, the democratic politicians have switched their stance so that they can collect some of that weapons manufacturer campaign cash also. Thy now are in favor of those wars, jus like the republican politicians Notice that those two groups have one thing in common. They are both politicians! Republican voters want those wars to end just as much as democratic voters do! You would think that democratic and republican voters would come to our senses, come together, and VOTE ALL OF THE WARMOGERS OUT OF OFFICE! But instead we're fighting each other about guns, gays and God, which hurts US, not the warmongers!
