This video shows how fervently Bernie Sanders campaigned on behalf on Hillary Clinton during the general election of 2016. First her supporters claim that he didn’t campaign enough. Now they’ve switched to claim now that he didn’t really want to. You surely can’t say that from watching this video at all of these events. And then at the end of the campaign she thanks him for vigorously campaigning for for. So, why are her supporters lying about the entire matter?!
This video shows how fervently Bernie Sanders campaigned on behalf on Hillary Clinton during the general election of 2016. First her supporters claim that he didn’t campaign enough. Now they’ve switched to claim now that he didn’t really want to. You surely can’t say that from watching this video at all of these events. And then at the end of the campaign she thanks him for vigorously campaigning for for. So, why are her supporters lying about the entire matter?!