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Friday, July 29, 2011

The Hole Diggers

        As I watch the madness that has taken over Washington, a proverb comes to mind; “ When you dig a pit for someone, dig one for yourself“. That is the position that Mr. John Beohner and Mr. Mitch McConnell, leaders of the repub party in the house of representatives and senate respectively, find themselves in right now. They have stated from the beginning that their main objectives as repub leaders was to make sure that Mr. Obama was a one term president. Mr Beohner and Mr McConnell have repeatedly implied that Mr. Obama wasn’t a good leader but now it appears that their leadership abilities have come into question. They have proven beyond a shadow of a doubt that their’s is definitely not effective leadership at all. As a matter of fact it’s just a matter of time before they will be replaced in their leadership positions. They had mistakenly assured themselves, especially Mr. Beohner, that they were "large and in charge". Look at them now! 

      If you look back you will see that they were contrary to anything the president wanted to accomplish, no matter how right it was for the country. When GWB was president they fell all over themselves to defer to him on any issue that came up. Their words were, "Mr. Bush was elected president by the American people and we need to allow him his choices”. They did not want to give Mr. Obama a chance to do anything at all, but wasn’t he also voted president by the American people?

      As of 9:30 Thursday night Mr. Obama was handed all the power in Washington and re-election as president on a silver platter. The only thing that can prevent him is himself. But to be honest, it does sometimes seem that he strays off course purposely. Even right now he refuses to acknowledge that he will have to use the 14th amendment remedy available to him to deal with the debt ceiling problem. It has become clear that there will not be a compromise between the house and senate and unless he uses that option default is imminent. He is allowing all of this uncertainty instead of putting the question to rest. To me it appears that if he is forced to use this remedy, he will on his own, introduce changes to Medicare, Medicaid and Social Security. If he does, it will be the final straw that broke the camel’s hump. He will become just what he is trying to prevent, a one term president. A word of caution, Mr. President. Don’t continue to anger your base. You will find yourself out on a limb with no one in sight.

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