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Thursday, July 7, 2011

Personal Insurance Mandate

       Have you heard the news that the Obama administration has won a victory in the sixth circuit court of appeals regarding the personal mandate to buy insurance. The sixth circuit ruled that it is constitutional to force us to buy insurance. Make no mistake about it, the SCOTUS will definitely follow suit. It may be a victory for the administration but it very well could turn into a horror for "we the people".Let me point out a couple of things. First of all it would only take for the republicans to gain control of the rest of congress and deregulate insurance like they have done everything else in the last two decades and what do you have? What you have is insurance corporations raking in record profits just like the oil companies and the pharmaceutical industry. It won't be long before they will be cherry picking who they will and who they will not cover. Here's a prime example of the political sleight of hand that happened with the last democratic president. President Clinton persuaded us that "free trade" would be the best thing that we could do for America. Mr. Ross Perot told us that if we did we would hear giant sucking sound as all of the jobs left America. You tell me what has happened! Well, the next sucking sound you hear will be the insurance companies sucking all the money out of your pockets. Why not? Every other corporation does. And don't be so naive as to believe that this is an improbable scenario. 
             I say that because even while President Obama had enjoyed the majority in the house and senate, in the past he caved in on just about every issue to the repubs. I'm afraid that he would surely capitulate on every issue once the repubs put pressure on him when they hold the majority. And then we have a supreme court that does not give a damn about "we the people". In every instance they have ruled in favor of corporations, bar none. They have become a political arm of the republican party. So when, not if, but when the insurance industry begins to cheat us out of health care, when the premiums begin to escalate to the point that we can no longer afford them, we'll be right back where we started. And don't look for relief from the appeals courts or the highest court in the land, the U. S. Supreme Court. They have turned their backs on the American people.  Wake up America!

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