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Thursday, January 12, 2012

The Corporate Super Court

Since the appointment of justice Clarence Thomas and then Samuel Alito and John Roberts there has been a concerted effort on the part of neo-cons to steer the direction of the SCOTUS in a very specific direction. Most people, especially conservatives felt that the placement of these judges was to drive the court in the direction of dismantling many of the civil rights laws that have been implemented since the 1950’s and 60’s. But the truth of the matter, that is only a small part of what has happened.
The very first thing they did was to overturn the Florida Supreme Court’s decision to recount that state’s ballots for president of the United States. In that ruling they were ensuring that the people who supported them would continue to stay in power. Up until that time the republicans were adamant about states rights NOT being usurped, but now the strategy had been reversed because now they wanted to gain an advantage.
They were the ones who brought the suit, knowing that the court would rule in their favor. I wonder if that is considered a “quid pro quo”? Even if it was and someone brought suit against the Court, who would rule in the case? In recent years we have seen two justices who seems to not mind being in conflict with rulings in their cases. One is justice Alito and soon the other will involve justice Thomas. If these justices refuse to recuse themselves when there is the appearance of conflict, what recourse is there. Not only that, the court is poised to render judgment soon on redistricting in Texas that even though it will disenfranchise many minority voters, it is almost assured that they will rule in favor of the republicans anyway.
The incredible thing about the whole situation is that these are only diversionary issues The real issue is “corporate rights”. Recent court rulings have confirmed this. Since this Court has been in place, no corporation has ever lost a case. Every ruling has been in their favor. There are three that mainly come to mind. The first ruling was that money equals Speech, which then set the stage for the next two rulings. The next ruling was that “corporations are people”. And the last ruling was that corporations could spend unlimited amounts of money to influence any election, no matter where the money came from. The only restriction to this last ruling was that the must be independent from the candidate. Already we see campaigns getting around that. One candidate’s father runs a super-pac (political action committee), which can contribute unlimited amounts, and another campaign’s former campaign manager runs another super-pac. So you can see that the SCOTUS is making a mockery out our democracy with it’s rulings. Another ruling waiting in the wings will be the recently signed NDAA bill which will surely be challenged. The law seems to hint that any American has the authority to detain anyone, including an American that it deems to be associated with any terrorist organization. Who’s to say which organization or not? This should NOT happen in these United States! Citizens beware, the court has become too powerful, overruling both houses of congress and the presidency. We elected the president and congress. We DID NOT elect the “Corporate Supreme Court” and if they continue to rule against “we the people” maybe it’s time they went the way of the dinosaurs. Contrary to their rulings, MONEY IS NOT SPEECH, CORPORATIONS ARE NOT PEOPLE AND CORPORATE MONEY SHOULD NOT BE ABLE TO DROWN OUT THE VOICES OF THE CITIZENS of this

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