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Thursday, December 29, 2011

DOD In Control Of Media And Government?

The official line of the pentagon is that Iran is attempting to block the Straits of Hormuz in order to disrupt oil shipping lanes. I, for one have to question this declaration. For one, how would it help Iran to TRY and block the straits? Mr. Ahmedinejad already knows that would cause a confrontation with the U. S. in which the outcome would not be good for him. It would be easier for him to just withdraw Iranian oil from the oil market. That would disrupt the world economy in and of itself. The cause of course, would be the heavyhanded U. S. sanctions against that country. I know many say that those sanction were put in place by the U. N., but it was the U. S. that instigated those actions.
If you look closely at economic sanctions in the past, they have not served our interests well. Contrary to what the news media would have you believe, there is evidence that the people of N. Korea, not just it's leaders, would rather starve that to give in to the demands of the U. S. The same is true of Cuba. Sanctions against that tiny island nation haven't worked for over fifty years. Instead of befriending our neighbor to the south and importing oil from them, we have to import oil from the opposite end of the earth while China reaps the benefits from oil in the Cuban territorial waters. And the same is true of Venezuela. We need a change in attitude towards these two countrise. Instead of trying to force them to do things our way, let's reach out to them and allow them to choose their own destinies. We can gently encourage them rather than impose harsh sanction that don't work. It seems that it would be better to use a carrot than a big stick. Why does our foreign policy have to antagonize just about all countries that export oil unless they allow western oil companies to control their oil? There's a one word answer ,"profits"! Will anyone in government ever admit that the reason for all this turmoil is the desire for oil company profits? I challenge each of you to call your senators and representatives and tell them "NO MORE WARS" for the sake of oil, or any other reason, for that matter
I believe that the State Department has advised against the position that the pentagon has taken, but the Secretary of State, Mrs Clinton has yet to speak out in public. It seems that she is unwilling to speak in opposition to the DOD. That's why the impression persists that the DOD controls the State Department and the rest of government and the media.
Just as in the leading up to the Iraq war, the news medis are trumpeting the claims of the Pentagon even after their claims leading up to the Iraq war proved to be untrue. Now they trumpet unproven allegations again of nuclear bomb construction and blockading waters in order to provoke Iran into war. While I disagree with just about everything Senator Ron Paul ever has to say, I agree with him on this subject and I applaud his courage to stand and say the truth about these wars and the causes for them. Though I definitely won't be voting for you, Senator Paul, my hat's of to you. President Obama I heard you say that you have achieved more at this time in your presidency than all but a few. I challenge you to fight to make a clean break with the recent past in every area of government, especially the Department of Defense. In that way you will ensure one of the greatest presidentail legacies in history.

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