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Saturday, December 17, 2011

The Sacred Cow

This week the congress passed the Defense Department budget on a stand alone bill at a time when any other bill has some kind of (so called) poison pill attached to it. This leads me to believe that the DOD is able to freely acquire anything it wants, no strings attached. At a time when repubs in congress are intent in cutting Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid, the DOD can just demand anything it wants from congress and it will be given to them. When will the dems get up the courage to attach the bills they want to pass to the DOD bill? We all know that it’s always the repubs driving the DOD bills and they won’t hesitate to attach a poison pill to any and every bill the dems want to pass. So let them cry unpatriotic if they desire to, at least the repubs will be confronted with their own actions. If they want stand alone bills, they need to provide the other side with the same opportunity. The dems need to stop caving to repub demands. If a dumb, uneducated person such as myself is able to figure this out why can’t those who are supposed to be the brightest that the dems have to offer do so? Or is there something going on behind the scenes, such as the dems are part of the conspiracy.
Is it better to create jobs making war and killing our fellow human beings or would the money be better used rebuilding our country? It’s a no-brainer, but you can’t tell!! The unemployment rate is close to nine percent and yet those with government jobs claim that government can not create jobs. As a matter of fact, as I write this article they are happily going about eliminating every else’s job in government, EXCEPT THEIR OWN. They have already given tax breaks to corporations to allow them to ship American manufacturing jobs overseas, now they are intent on destroying all other jobs. They want to starve government of funds to do anything for it’s citizens and in the process secretly erode our constitutional rights. We are in a struggle right now to keep our right to assembly and the right to due process of the law. They want us to fend for ourselves while they themselves live high on the government. If you are a soldier or in congress, you are in the only occupations they want the government to help, and if the soldiers weren’t fighting and dying they also would fall outside of this category. Mr. President, it’s time to not only PROVIDE FOR THE COMMON DEFENSE, but to also PROMOTE THE GENERAL WELFARE (they seem to conveniently forget that part) of the citizens of this country. Put the sacred cow into the fire!!

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