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Friday, December 16, 2011

The Non-Threat From Iran!

Once again those in government are trying to sell us, the citizens a bill of goods They want to goad us to war in Iran the way they did in Iraq. In Iraq it was WMD and none ware found. Now they claim that Iran is close to a nuclear bomb. How can we possibly trust those intelligence claims after they have caused the country to go bankrupt fighting for a lie. They claimed no nation building, but what did they do; nation building! We built up Iraq’s infrastructure even while the infrastructure of our own country was falling apart and they refuse to do anything to repair it to this very day . They claimed that the entire war would cost only $50 to $80 billion. The cost was close to $1 trillion. They claimed that Iraq’s own oil money would pay for the war. Did it? No! They claimed that the war would be over in only a few months. How long did we stay there? Very nearly ten years! They claim that Iraq was hiding aircraft under the desert sands. Never found. They claimed that Iraq was trying to purchase something called yellowcake uranium from some country in Africa. Proven untrue! And these are only a few of many, many lies told to us by the intelligence community under the Bush administration. So why should we believe anything they say?
But now the Obama administration seems almost ready to go along with the right wing in starting up a groundswell of accusations against Iran in order to have an excuse to go to war with Iran. I pray that Mr. Obama would not give in to the intellectual coercion that is being perpetrated upon him. Mr. President, Mr. Ahmedinajad was a witness to what happened to Saddam Huessein and Osama Bin Laden and I’d be willing to bet $10,000 that even if he does possess nuclear weapons, he wouldn’t dare use them. Mr President the American people are tired of these wars! If you want to be elected for another I would advise you to concentrate on the economy. Let those who are not in power worry about going to war. That’s the very reason they are not there now.

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