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Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Democrats are Really Republicans

        What is wrong with the democrats? They won't even put up a good fight. Since the deaths of Senators Byrd and Kennedy, there are no more leaders to speak out for the working class. They give in to any and all demands of the republicans. After we have spent all of our lives paying into social security and many years paying into medicare they are about to let the pubs destroy these vital programs. They will not insist that wealthy or corporations pay their fair share of taxes but instead they roll over. You can count on one hand those democrats who are willing to stand up for the working class.Recently there ther has been only one senator and one congressman who have the same views that I have and that is independent senator Bernie Sanders and congressman Dennis Kucinich. All the rest are starting to echo the republicans. They won't insist on raising taxes on the rich or insist on getting rid of corporate welfare or windfall profits taxes on the oil companies even though they have made record profits for five years running, at our expense. They used to claim there was an oil shortage but now they don't have to give a (supposedly) legitimate reason because no one will hold them accountable. Supposedly just last year there were regulations put in place to prevent just such such a thing from happening but just like every other law this president and this congress has passed, they have been watered down to the point of ineffectiveness. It was the same thing with the new consumer protection agency. Because of objections from the corporate community, the most qualified person, Mrs Sheila Baird, was not appointed to head the agency, Instead she was given the job of creating the agency,but top job was given to someone who had the blessings of the corporate community. It would have been better to not have created the agency at all. President Obama has lost my support. If he is the nominee again I won't vote for him. Neither will I vote for my own current senator again if the LA. democratic party chooses her as the nominee. Many people defend the president's actions, but to me he has not shown any leadership and neither has he stood strong on any issue. He quickly gave up on single payor health care, the public option, the Bush tax cuts, brought us into another war, has done nothing for consumer protections, has allowed the oil companies to continue to gouge us for gas prices. Neither did he support the union workers in Michigan, when during his presidential campaign he said that he would march with them for collective bargaining rights. He will have a hard row to hoe come electionseason again. If he is the nominee I don't think he'll make it. He has failed to speak out on many issues that would helped us but instead he has become the capitulator-in-chief. He voiced the idea that he preferred a republican congress to deal with and now he is well on the way to having one. If he caved in when he had a majority in both houses what will he do when he is facing republican majorities in both houses. It seems that the congress is now 75% republican even though there are more than 55 democratic senators and a democratic president. Mr. Obama, like many senators is a republican in democrats clothing and I am Mad As Hell about it. It's time for protests in America like they have recently had in Egypt and Libya to take our country back from the corporations, banks and arms dealers (Defense Department). Political democrats have become a part of the corporate establishment!

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