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Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Enriching Politics

             Failed senator Rick Santorum has decided to throw his hat into the ring for the republican nomination for president. How can a man who failed in a re-election bid for senator possibly think that he could be elected to the presidency of the unitee States? Well, I guess stranger things have happened. George W. Bush was elected not once but twice, so I stand corrected. It just goes to show that with so much corporate money being injected into politics on the republican side that anyone with any kind of name recognition can form a so-called "exploratory committee" and start enriching themselves. They have no shame.These are the same people who like to throw around words like "pander" and like to call people who don't agree with them "socialists" and "elitists". They have declared class warfare on the middle class in the name of "deficits"but they claim that others have declared war on the rich. How can they even suggest such a thing? Like I said, thy have no shame! Who can pander better than they? Look at how they suck up to Glenn Beck, Sean Hannity and Rush Limbaugh. Each of these people make such outrageous statements that you have to be completely stupid or willfully igniorant to believe anything they say. Even though they know these men are are liars, the republican politicians have to bow down and kiss their rings because they have such a large following. How's that for pandering? And who could be more elitist than those who rake in tens and hundreds of millions of dollars each year but are not willing to share their wealth. Do you realize that Rush Limbaugh makes above $350 million a year? I wonder how many jobs he has created in the last three years. I would venture to bet the number is not many. And it's the same thing with the heads of the corporations. They make hundreds of millions of dollars a year but they send American jobs overseas, complaining that they can't make any profits as long as they employ Americans. How elitist is that? So I can see why Mr. Santorum has decided to form that committee. It's the best way in the world to make millions of dollars without earning it. Yeah, I know, you think that they return that what's left of those campaign funds when the elections are over or that that money is contributed to other campaigns but that is not quite what happens. Dig a little beeper and find out for yourself. I really can't blame you, Rick. The American people made it possible for you to do what you do and haven't demanded that the loopholes be closed. It's time for the peole to take action to take corporate money completely out of politics. Contrary to the Supreme Court's recent ruling, corporations are not people. Let's start a campaign to put enough pressure on them to make them reverse the decision. One way to do it is to threaten to revoke their lifelong appointments if they continue to go against the wishes of the people. "We the people" do not have to take this lying down..

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