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Friday, April 29, 2011

Powerful Government

         I realize that no newspaper will print this article. For that reason I will also tweet, facebook and blog it. I have just finished watching a movie called “V” for Vendetta. It was about a powerful government figure in England in the not too distant future. He used his power in government to destroy all opposition to anything he wanted to do. I was reminded of all that I have seen and heard about Adolf Hitler in the 1930 - 40’s Germany, how the fiery rhetoric of one man turned a whole country down the path to ruin. The tragic part about the whole situation is that many other powerful people in government saw what was happening , knew it was wrong, but would not stand for what they knew to be right. They were afraid of being called “unpatriotic” They just stood back and allowed the concentration and death camps to be built around them and pretended they didn’t know what was going on. They stench of thousands of decaying bodies can never be mistaken for something else, but yet the citizens of the nearby towns claim they didn’t know what was going on in these camps.
          I seem to detect something similar happening in this country of ours. There was a time when it was considered more than appropriate, even their duties, for the newspapers to expose corruption, wrongdoing and coverups in government. In the not too distant past these people were protected as “whistleblowers” by the government, but now they are being persecuted as leakers of “classified secrets” or in the interest of national security. Any corruption in government, especially in the defense department will be classified as “national security”. Just because the corruption is in the government doesn’t make it any less wrong than anywhere else. And those persons who expose it need to be praised rather than imprisoned, i. e. wikileaks. If they lie to us about leaders of other countries and about who are terrorists and who are not, how can we believe them about anything. What will happen they accuse us because we speak out against them. Maybe you can’t see it happening but it is coming in the not so distant future. I can tell by how the news media keeps pushing these wars and destabilizing the middle eastern countries and all of our politicians go right along with them. And since wikileaks has exposed their hand, their organization is on the verge of being considered “terrorist”, just like all of those Arab nonprofit organizations were after 9/11 because they received contributions from their countries of origin. Where else would they receive funding from?
      There are conspiracy theories about what actually happened on that infamous date in New York City. Whether you believe it or not, there are some within our government who are not above allowing or even taking part in such an event in order to convince us that we should go to war. Which department of the government do you suppose would have an interest in that happening? The very same one who is persecuting wikileaks. Make no mistake, it is not that government over there, they are just the surrogate. And what about that young American man whose constitutional rights are being denied? What department is persecuting him? They, in conjunction with the banks, control the news media, the United States Congress and the Supreme Court of the United States of America and “we the people” have done just like they did in Germany back in those days, stuck our heads in the sand as if nothing bad will happen if we just don‘t look. We are finally waking up to the tricks of the republican party, but now let us really see what is going on in every aspect of the political realm.

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