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Friday, August 31, 2012

Corporations Gaining Control of the World's Countries Resources and Wealth, Including the U S

     It has been said by many (myself included) that all of the conflict in the middle east are to gain control of those countries' oil resources. And right now western oil countries have control of Iraq'a oil and are now trying to get control of Iran's oil. All of this is possible only through the use of the American military. It amounts to our children being sent to wars in foreign lands for the sake of profits for corporations. And in those countries where there is no oil "per se", there is a government to be set and propped up and an economy to build that can be taken advantage of. Whatever resources those countries possess will taken over by corporations. In Canada the oil corporations are taking their tar oil sands and shipping it all the way south through the United States to be sold to China and whoever else on the open market, Keeping the price of gasoline up in North America. The reason; they can command more for it on the open market. Does that sound like a corporation that cares, even the least little bit, about either Canada Or America? I don't think so!
      Even in America the corporations are stealing our resources. They've already taken our manufacturing base and shipped it overseas, and now they sell us the same merchandise at prices inflated at hundreds and even thousands of  %. They put tens of thousands out of work, take their health care benefits and pensions, so that they can pay their CEO"s and board of directors(8-15 people) $15-20 million each. Does that sound like a USA loving, patriotic country? I don't think so!

     First it was the Exxon Valdez oil spill in Alaska over 20 years ago and more recently it was the oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico which are both still feeling the effects of these disasters. And now the Obama administration is giving the go ahead to allow drilling in the arctic circle and to allow the Keystone Pipeline throgh territory wherr th edrinking water for many states is put at risk. Either of these projects will, not could, cause disasters of monumental proportions. The oil companies there's virtually no chance anything could go wrong. That's what they said about the Exxon Valdez and the Deepwater Horizon drilling platform and look what happened. But a drilling catastrophe in the brittle, frozen waters of the arctic would have no solution. And what solution would there be for all those chemicals from the tar oil sands leaking into the drinking water aquifers of four or five states, or even more? Where would that much extra drinking water come from? It would be an unspeakable disaster!
 And for all of this, the oil companies are using an instrument that was thought up decades ago called "imminent domain", which was meant to promote something for the greater good of the country, or state , or region or city. But now, we have corporations using this tool for their own good. This was not meant to be a tool used by corporations. It was meant to be used by governments and municipalities.
      How is it that corporations can just confiscate an indivdual's property? That is not supposed to happen in America! They have been allowed to take people's property and it is not for anyone's good other than the oil corporations. They will not lower gas prices. After all the trouble to our country this product that is so dangerous to our environment, ecology and yes, economy, too, will not even be sold in the U S. It will most likely be sold to China, the country that is our chief rival in the entire world. And the worst part of the whole thing is, nobody in government is saying anything, republican or democrat. It shows you the extent to which corporations control the government of the United States of america. If something is not done soon, t's just a matter of time until they have full control of our government.

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