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Saturday, August 4, 2012

Elizabeth Warren Talks Infrastructure Repair

Warren Nails It‏

Elizabeth Warren speaks truth in her new TV ad. Watch and help put it on TV.

Reportback: Whitehouse call

Once again, Elizabeth Warren put into words ideas that every Democrat should be saying.
"We've got bridges and roads in need of repair -- and thousands of people in need of work. Why aren't we rebuilding America?" she asks in her new TV ad.
Click here to see the ad that's making national news -- and donate $3 to help Warren air it in Massachusetts.
Why is this ad so significant? Because Republicans (like her opponent Scott Brown) say we need LESS spending on rebuilding America.
Their jobs plan is to give tax cuts to millionaires and hope they put more people to work on their yachts. And worse, some Democrats repeat those Republican talking points. But not Elizabeth Warren.
This ad is running during the Olympics and reminds people, "Our competitors are putting people to work building a future. China invests 9% of it's GDP in infrastucture. America -- we're just 2.4%. We can do better."
This is what a progressive message looks like -- chip in $3 to help Elizabeth Warren put it on TV.
Thanks for being a bold progressive.
– Adam Green, Stephanie Taylor, Matt Wall, Josh Wolfsun, Kayla Wingbermuehle, and the PCCC team

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