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Tuesday, August 7, 2012

The Price of Gasoline (and Everything Else)

      Yesterday the price of gasoline went up 10cents a gallo. Today it went up another 6 cents. What is the reason for these price fluctuations. Ther are no volatile situations going on, no hurricane threats in the Gulf of Mexico, no oil shortages, so why is the price of gasoline any more than $2 a gallon? There is no logical reason why the cost of a barrell of oil is so high. Drilling for oil has dramatically increased during the Obama adminstration . Applications to drill more have even been fasttracked to help expedite the perogatives of the oil corporations, but instead of thinking of the wellbeing of the country, all they can think of is profit. The Keystone Pipeline was about to be permitted, even thogh there is a very good chance that it will leak and contaminate drinking water aquifers in a four state area. There was a time in this country when business did take into account the good of the country (patriotic), but it seems that day has passed. Just like the oil companies many other corporations seem to have divorced themselves from this country and it's people. They only want the US military to fight their battles, and then when the wounded warriors come back home they don't want to pay for their medical care.
       We see commercial after commercial on television telling us how they give generously to this cause and that cause, but the causes they contribute to turn out to be nothing a smoke screen to distract attention from what they are doing to hurt this country. Supposedly we went to war in Iraq so that gasoline prices would decrease, but instead prices have steadily increased, and for no reason at all; just because the oil companies want to make more profit on the backs of the American people. And since they contribute so much money to political campaigns of the senators and representatives whom we elected to represent us WON'T SAY A WORD!
      But it's not just the oil companies. Any corporation (pharmaceuticals, insurance) or any rich person who has the money to contribute to campaign treasuries will drown out the voice of the American people. America, aren't you tired of this?! Well, if you don't speak out NOTHING WILL EVER CHANGE. But if you do speak out, A LOT WILL CHANGE. You see when the people speak with a loud, clear, unified voice, it scares them and they will listen. What do you have to lose except APATHY. If the super rich and corporations take over our government and country, the citizens of this country have no one but themselves to blame. So just sit on your hands and let the parade go by. From the greatest country on earth to a third world country in one generation. It's your move CITIZENS! You better do something, and soon!

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